Sheebah Samali Karungi, a renowned Ugandan songster, is preparing for her concert, “Neyanziza,” on October 4th at Lugogo Cricket Oval. The former Team No...
Gift Ov Kaddo, formerly a member of the GoodLyfe crew, revealed his desired payment for staging his concerts at different venues around the country....
Jackson Nkuke Mutima, a talent manager and event organizer, has revealed that managers who seek to share the limelight with their artists are likely...
Songstress Vivian Tendo, known for her soulful melodies and soft-spoken nature, has announced her intention to join active politics come 2026. The 26-year-old singer,...
The gospel entertainment world is blessed to have artists and creatives who look forward to inspire and uplift fellow several individuals in doing so....
Geoffrey Lutaaya, an established singer-cum- politician, has all but denied rumors of being romantically involved in a relationship with media personality Faridah Nakazibwe. On...
Zari Hassan, renowned Uganda socialite, has at last apologized to her husband, Shakib Lutaaya, admitting that her recent social media outbursts were a result...
Local dancehall artist Gibson Wabuyu a.k.a Gravity Omutujju has clarified that is not a member or a supporter of the ruling National Resistance Movement...