Zari Hassan, renowned Uganda socialite, has at last apologized to her husband, Shakib Lutaaya, admitting that her recent social media outbursts were a result...
South African-based Ugandan socialite, Zari Hasan and her husband Shakib Cham are not on good terms after bongo flavor king Diamond Platinums made a...
Songster Vivian Tendo has in a heart-melting precise post marked her first marriage anniversary with husband Preacher Moses Wasswa Tinsley. Last year 2023, on...
President of Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF) Eddy Kenzo and his lover Hon. Phiona Nyamutooro are underway through the process of their introduction ceremony....
Musician JoseChameleone’s ex-baby mama Daniella Atim Mayanja penned an encouraging and yet inspiring lengthy piece of advice sharing about her past toxic marriage she...